Agriculture and its agricultural products

The Agriculture Show has opened. This is the opportunity

pour certains de faire le buzz

Farmer events, February 2018, Bordeaux Photo: Valérie Doulevant

Do we not seek to stigmatize a category of agricultural producers who only seek to make a living from their work?

Farmer events, February 2018, Bordeaux Photo: Valérie Doulevant


Commençons par regarder la définition du motagriculteursur Le Robert, "The farmer is a person engaged in one of the activities of agriculture (soil cultivation; set of works transforming the natural environment for the production of plants and animals useful to humans). »
According to the farmers I was able to meet, I allow myself to add (in my opinion, Robert) que ce sont des personnes who love, first of all, the earth and their products.

Which prompts me to ask myself the following questions

  • Why do we often oppose products from organic farming and products from “conventional” agriculture?
  • Should we not rather congratulate some for continuing in this direction and encourage others to convert convert to organic farming ? Personally committed, each at our level?
  • In addition, shouldn't the State get involved by setting the course and also work on improving the purchasing power of consumers?

Everyday work, tirelessly

What we are sure of, is that farmers work a lot (365 days on 365)
and find it very difficult to cover their expenses (hence the aids).
We also know that organic farming takes longer, more labor and sometimes the yield is lower than the cost of conventional farming and with higher sales prices.
I realize that answering these questions is not easy and requires debate.
I would be happy to discuss it with anyone who wishes.
Robert Widmann, intermediary between consumers and producers in the South West (comments under this article).

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