End of the Olympic Games 2018 in korea

This Sunday 25 February 2018 ended on Winter Olympics 2018, officiellement appelés les XXIIIis Jeux olympiques d’hiver.

Seize jours de compétition, of 9 February to 25 February 2018 took place in South Korea.

Fifteen medals for France, 9th after Norway (39 medals), l & rsquo; Germany (31 medals), Canada (29 medals), United States (29 medals), the Netherlands(23 medals), la Suède (14 medals), la Corée (17 medals) et la Suisse (15 medals).

Photo: Pixabay

Next Olympic Games: Japan, 2020.

Photo: Valérie Doulevant

Olympic Games in France: 2024.

Photo: Pixabay

Kudos to everyone who has followed the rules in their efforts, forgot the political issues and followed one of Pierre de Coubertin's sayings: “L’important dans la vie, this is not the triumph, but the fight. The essential is not to have conquered, but to be well beaten. ”

Valérie Doulevant