Screen for Coronavirus-COVID-19 ?

It will require only one decision to be made by French authorities: to manufacture COVID19 tests on a large scale..

What are the challenges for making the right decisions? Photo: Valérie Doulevant

Screening, Covid-19 and troubling resemblance to HIV

Lack of means for examination ?

Corona-virus infection cases should be decisively detected in order to be able to reverse the current lockdown, and most of all defusing the actual alarming sanitary outbreak. And thereby, the examinations will allow for countryside and city doctors to be protected, along nurses, to the doctors and all the medical staff behind, on the same line, employees and companies will be allowed to resume their economic activities. What are the hurdles for Covid-19 checkups? A lack of manufacturers? lack of volunteer workers? or is it a lack of raw material supplies? At a time when countries should be united, could they ( those elected by majority) resolve this situation by facing the responsibilities for which they are in charge?

Avril 2020 -Work stopped for several weeks Photo: Valérie Doulevant

HIV and COVID-19 analogy

Furthermore, shouldn’t we attempt and strive to avoid past errors. The head of state, his councilors and the medical committee should learn from past mistakes and take on their duties. Who would forget the contaminated blood scandal of the Eighties? who is willing to take the risk of being judged, accounted for a faulty decision making , while he was elected to decide and execute? Presidents, surrounded with all their councilors, should, and must, take the decision they believe is right one. It is part of their responsibilities. no mumbling around! rather than equivocating and reiterating the same questions, over media networks.

An expected responsibility: a screening
Avril 2020 – Expectation of the French Photo: Valérie Doulevant

Many people will end up blaming the irresponsible behavior of certain medical policymakers, administrators and politicians…at a crucial moment, at this dramatic stage of the virus procession, that we are closely following, we must make perfect sense of the word responsible *.

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Word definitions “responsible” according to the dictionary Larousse

* Someone who answers to an authority for his actions or the actions of those in his charge : Parents are responsible for damages caused by their infant children.

* Someone who is the perpetrator or culprit of something, and thus bear the consequences : Being responsible for mismanagement of a service .

* Someone Who is at the origin of harm  : This virus is responsible for many fatal cases.

* Who is in charge of a function : He is responsible for supply.

* Who is thoughtful, serious, who takes into consideration the consequences of his actions : It’s not a responsible attitude.

Valérie Doulevant