Love poem

Poem offered
Photo: Valérie Doulevant

Franck the poet regularly delivers his poems to us on the Net.

Softness and uncertainties…

Photo: Valérie Doulevant

I shouted all my love to you

I blew it at daybreak

I showed you how much I love you

Like those seeds that we sow .

Moved in front of your sweet face

Your attitude is too wise

I wanted to build with you

As wheat rises like a king .

I thought I touched your heart

To have given birth to happiness

Seen in your eyes that spark

Like a blond spike in the sky .

Transported in this emotion

I caught a glimpse of the words “si on…”

Dream of the two of us in the sun

As on barley works wonders .

Since, time has made its own

Has passed without sawing the link

Flowing stopped my tears

Mother Nature disarms us…

Photo: Robert Widman (Nepal)

Franck the Poet