Data and softness COVID-19

Consult the figures on the COVID19

Fiction or reality?

Who has not experienced, at a time of this confinement, the need to tell yourself that it was a fiction film? A huge hoax, a hidden camera… so much this new situation exceeds all understanding.

But sometimes, we would like to completely disconnect from this ubiquitous current situation in which the world is engulfed. To never plunge your nose back into it. But the digital data is there and there.

Global information and data

If we want to know more, an official site proposed by the French government provides access to certain official figures for France (map of France with data on the Corona-COVID-19).

The number of cases of healings, the number of deaths and the number of people infected worldwide are provided here. To consult while keeping a warned eye, because no one really knows how many people are affected. Keep in mind that we can be masked, consciously or not, reality.

Emergencies and remedies

The French government proposes to dial an official toll-free emergency information number for COVID-19 in the event of extreme distress: the 0 800 130 000. The site linked to this number very vaguely recalls the clinical signs of COVID-19 disease and its mode of transmission.

In New Aquitaine

For patients with symptoms of Coronavirus / COVID 19 and having previously consulted, Rafael COVID-19 is an application which allows you to follow the health development of adults with symptoms of coronavirus and living in Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

Also, Current Women the Mag offers tips well rooted in everyday life (food, health outside Corona, daily and hygienic gestures, physical interview…). The CRIJ Pays de la Loire with the Info-jeunes link has set up for young people, information and news related to COVID-19 and containment.

Keep a critical mind….

Without taking at face value all that we hear on networks and in the media, we can watch, what site that the French Ministry of Education and Youth has posted online to obtain information on the creation, management and development of his association. We are counting on you to inform us of its effectiveness thanks to your comments above or sent to the following address:

Available volunteers and caregivers

Many reports tell us about the actions of volunteers in the field, helping and supporting vulnerable people. They are everywhere, on a more or less large scale, in cities as in French countryside.

To tackle all together this period of Covid-19 health crisis and guarantee the continuity of vital activities so that the poorest and most vulnerable are not the first victims of this epidemic, the president of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, called on the French to “invent new forms of solidarity”. In order to allow all those who can and who wish to get involved and give their time, the Government launched the Civic Reserve – Covid 19,

Ministry of Youth and Youth

Bring commissions, check the health of people living in isolation… this is their mission among others. Thank you for notifying us of any other initiative in order to put it online shortly (through the comments below) or by writing to

Active, as much as possible

Male nurse(...)s, trader(...)s, housekeeping staff, intellectual(the)s, garbage men(euses), teacher(...)s, artisans, liberals, industrial… financiers(?), mostly get their hands dirty, in this international delirium. Active yes. But helped would be even better: and if governments, the banks, the insurance, speculators, high wages, senior officials (high-above what?) were thinking of uniting for once? Instead of only thinking about their(s) & oacute; economy(s), maybe we would get out of this nightmare faster…

Caregivers, teachers and media…

Let’s obviously not forget all those who work in the big fields of health, instruction and information, and whose actors are struggling. Some to treat (without bleeding), teach (bleeding) and inform, the best.

Thanks to the parents, to moms in particular

Congratulations to the parents, and especially mothers, that we don't always thank enough. They are the ones who help, care, educate, inform and cuddle their children, gently and carefully, while working in many cases.

Ladies hat. From the bottom of the heart…

Valérie Doulevant