Norek and Takian in Blaye

Dedications and conversations with various authors during the book fair titled Livres en citadelle, in Blaye this past weekend… including whodunnit stars.

It is in public conquered and warned that Olivier Norek and Niko Tackian presented, sometimes with humor and complicity, above all with passion, their journey, their works, their difficulties and their pleasure in writing (more complete report to come) during the 25th edition of Livres en citadelle.

The public came to meet the two authors of thrillers: Tackian (to dr.) et Mink (to g.) Photo: Valérie Doulevant

This is how the mini conference of the two happy guys Tackian and Norek started in this room of the Convent of the Minimes of Blaye, Sunday 10 December 2017.

“Prefaces (the organizing association): “The polartwo, it's mostly a big family, in friendship and it is very nice to welcome them here: Olivier, a cop on standby and Niko who started with comics.”

-That's all you found as an intro? You weren't trampled on! It’s a disaster! (laughs)

Breakfast with Olivier Norek and Niko Tackian at Livres en citadelle Photo: Valérie Doulevant

-Well, ben, I have a project of what we could talk about: the difference between…

-I'm not sure if I agree!

-Often, we are asked the question of whether we use reality or not to write our books…

-Ok, it works.

-(Niko Tackian) We will talk about your way of working on reality and my way of working on fiction…

-Well, agree… I introduce myself first?

-Ok, and if you're too long … I cut you!

-It works. First of all, hello everyone and really thank you for coming so early and in this rainy weather… My name is Olivier Norek, I am a police lieutenant at the SDPJ du 93. I specialize in kidnappings with ransom demand, robberies with chests, sexual assault and attempted homicide, but I haven't been doing this since 5 years. So, it was to be a little clever! Because it's been five years since I went back to work… I leave all that to my colleagues “surveys and research”, more… I still use this experience, my 17-18 years of police on the 93 to feed my novels, to know 85 at 90% real facts. The surveys you can read do not exist but its components have existed.

My last book is about the Calais jungle where I spent three weeks in immersion…”

(continuation of this presentation by Olivier Norek, as well as that of Niko Tackian, coming in the week + a photo gallery of all the authors present)

Presentation and questions and answers of the two authors of crime fiction, Olivier Norek et Niko Tackian. Photo: Valérie Doulevant

Murmurs and strong exchanges between readers and authors at Blaye, during this Citadel Books… Photo: Valérie Doulevant

Breakfast withOlivier Norek andNiko Tackian at Citadel Books Photo: Valérie Doulevant

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