Exhibition in Bordeaux: Itinerrance de Ferrante Ferranti


Photo: Ferrante Ferranti


Ferrante Ferranti, a passionate photographer to meet his audience, on the last day of the exhibition at the Bordeaux submarine base. Photo: Valérie Doulevant

Ferrante Ferranti was born to a Sardinian mother and a Sicilian father the 13 January 1960, in Algeria. He takes his first photograph at the age of eighteen, a wave in Belle-Île-en-Mer… Since, he has come a long way. His photographs are visible until this Sunday 13 December in Bordeaux.

Japan, Koyasan, meal of the monk Kûkai copyright Ferrante Ferranti

Japan, Koyasan, meal of the monk Kûkai by Ferrante Ferranti

Exposition: Ferrante Ferranti – Itinerrances

Until Sunday 13 December 2015 -Underwater base
The submarine base offers 150 photographs retracing Ferrante Ferranti's journeys. According to his travels, wherever it is in the world, he always wanders his gaze by hand.

His images, from Peru to the Philippines, from russia to ethiopia via bolivia and brazil, Sicily and Syria, India or Burma, Japan and Polynesia, testify to all of his passions : explore civilizations, the poetry of the ruins, the mystery of sacred places.

They arouse emotion and stimulate the imaginary, because his approach is as much of the body as of the spirit. He takes the time to look in order to capture the substance of things and the spirit of the place.

The route of the exhibition highlights all of the quests that guide him through his travels. This trip in pictures is entitled Itinerrances ; through wandering a route takes shape.

5-Italie - Sicile - Ephebe-de-Mozia-copyright-Ferrante-Ferranti

Éphèbe de Mozia – Sicily – Italy

4-Arenes-de-Beziers - France-copyright-Ferrante-Ferranti

Arena of Béziers – France

Practical information

Dates / Hours :

Until Sunday 13 December 2015
Tuesday to Sunday inclusive, from 1.30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
(strollers cannot be used inside the Submarine)

Lieu :

Underwater base –Boulevard Alfred Daney 33300 Bordeaux

Itinerrances exhibition at the Bordeaux submarine base

Itinerrances exhibition at the Bordeaux submarine base