Month: December 2017

Secularism Festival

This is the 112th anniversary of the law on secularism In the name of secularism, social relations should respect all peaceful religions and philosophies. Deny them, neglect them, ignore them, these religions, is an offense to…

It is also the Telethon!

31th edition of the Telethon It is about raising funds for research on neuromuscular genetic diseases, like myopathy, specify this organization, sometimes decried. In these times of tribute to famous dead, galas, events and other birthdays, each…

Blaye, books in citadel

C’est la 25e édition de livres en citadelle à Blaye ce week-end du 9 and 10 December 2017. L’Association Préface présente son 25ème salon Livres en citadelle les samedi 9 and Sunday 10 December 2017. All the colors of general literature with lectures,…