Month: October 2013

In love

In love with him… why not ? And if it had to go further… but for where? There is not far ; il y a aujourd’hui ; will i still be here tomorrow? Only, the moment matters ... Not easy to tame ... how to…

Life is not beautiful?!

“It's cute…” This is what I keep repeating myself throughout the day. It sounds silly, but ultimately that says it all: my astonishment, my delight, the love I carry to Life. Will appear on…

It's the weekend, a little lightness!

In the series, “I'm wondering” (that's what makes me live, breathe, to laugh…), here are a few: “Do you know what a(...) true(...) which(...)? The answer is simple: someone who accepts us as we are. It’s a person…

Distressed school teachers… Call for witnesses.

It was back to school. Everything was fine… well almost: the school hoped for the opening of an additional class; everyone was at 400 blows: students, parents of students, the municipal team, the teaching team …. The answer was to arrive that evening, from…

Today, I am funny… all funny !

Dad died this morning. He fell out of bed. If he could say it, he would tell me : – ”That my chicken, it’s a sleeping story ”. It’s easier to tell the life of others than to relate…