Touching it may be contaminating

“You touch, you take”

Habits to assimilate can sometimes seem excessive, but in the context of health, caution is advised.

“You touch, tu prends…Photo: Valérie Doulevant

Difficult to integrate: to touch, to approach, to kiss, hug, elsewhere than in the restricted family circle… Completed! At least for a while. Security measures. Health measures. To prevent transmission of the Corona-COVID19 virus, the best attitude would be to set an example for children, to the ancients: To protect them, to protect himself, to protect Others.

We never stopped repeating it in our pages, it's a public health issue, of collective awareness.

Parks, streets, routes, almost empty paths Photo: Valérie Doulevant

It is true that in the western world or in the industrialized countries, those places that have means, blankets on his bed, social cover, in terms of health… Who knows the real price of a benign or important operation? Who knows the price , in euros, childbirth, who knows the price of a night spent in the hospital. Who knows the price of a displacement of the SAMU?

Going through the chance of having and being able to count on a minimum of unemployment coverage.

This sense of collective seemed drowned.

The crisis is here, beautiful and well there.

However, this health crisis reminds us, harshly. We don't know much about the COVID19 Coronavirus and this ignorance can make us panic and laugh., but she and still there. With its uncertainties, with his questions. With death lurking, indeed…

Wait, a new way of living Photo: Valérie Doulevant

True return values

Suddenly, at least for a while, we return to our values: our children and their future, our family (those who are still there), our chance to have a roof and a fridge every day full. And health.

New ways of behaving are emerging, even if not everyone understands its importance yet, and yet… The real ones are back, But for how long?
True values… Photo: Valérie Doulevant

Valérie Doulevant

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