Secular Solidarity: a moving film by Safy Nebbou

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From Lebanon to Mali, this short film by Safy Nebbou (French director and screenwriter born on 27 avril 1968 in Bayonne) presents two actions carried out in these two different countries. Education against exclusion, but also hope and solidarity are the keywords…

“They would not have had access to education if men and women had not stood up to fight exclusion. In the movie, « Ensemble, it is possible ! », it is the inclusive power of education that is highlighted.

Convinced of this fundamental role of education, Safy Nebbou went to Lebanon and Mali to walk her sensitive and humane eye to highlight these men and women who act daily in educational structures supported by Solidarité Laïque.

For the director Safy Nebbou, this film must give back the will to act. "I tried to tell these stories as closely as possible to human beings and I hope this film will make everyone want to participate in solidarity actions".

This film is a quality medium to be widely disseminated to regain confidence in people, see stories of solidarity commitments at work, rediscover how many life courses can be transformed when solidarity and education are involved.”

Music by Ibrahim Maalouf, realization Safy Nebbou.

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