Janvry, Boves, Munster… school reform and rhythms

School timetables : the example of the cities of Boves, the Janvry, the Munster.

The mayors of these three cities responded to questions asked about the pace of schooling and its viability in their respective municipalities.:

– Daniel Parisot (68 years), Mayor of Boves (village located in the department of the Somme, close to Amiens, in Picardy), followed, at the last school year, the Peillon device, to then suspend it 4 November 2013.

– Christian Schoettl (58 years), mayor of Janvry (in Essonne, Ile de France region) after analysis of the overall project, flatly refused (by unanimous municipal council deliberation) these new school hours.

– Pierre Dischinger, mayor of munster (Haut-Rhin in Alsace), had found the ideal school rhythm in his city since almost 25 years (with annual exemption), now distraught for the 2014/2015 school year…


Boves town hall

Town hall Boves

The first mayor (latest to have changed his mind for his town after the town of Crillon and a few others), Daniel Parisot, decided to resume the old timetables for school rhythms at Boves school, until an unspecified date.

Reverse, impossibility of applying the decree to Boves

After the start of the school year 2013 and two months of real testing, the mayor, Daniel Parisot and his municipal team therefore decided to suspend the system in Boves, from the 4 November 2013, parents and unions were very unhappy. A monitoring committee made up of four parents, directors of nursery and primary schools, of two teachers, of a National Education inspector and two representatives of the commune was held Thursday evening to define a working method, in order to propose to the municipality a new organization of the TAP (Extra-curricular welcome time).

The PEDT (Territorial Education Project) had been sent to the rector, everything was ready and prepared for the start of the new school year in September 2013.

It is not the reform of the mayor!

« This reform, declares Mr. Parisot, mayor of Boves, is that of Peillon, not that of the mayor ! And yet, we tried : we organized several meetings, whose first in 2013, in city council, to know if Yes or no we were implementing these new schedules. After agreement to try the experiment, it took us months of work : we have consulted over 600 INSERM studies, read and listened to child psychiatrists (who judged this reform bad for the tiredness of the child), we have created a steering committee, municipal management…

In short, lot of energy… More, finally, it was not suitable. We have also encountered difficulties getting parents and teachers to communicate (subject to the right of reservation), there was no, or very little, of dialogue between them… (for reasons of opposition to the reform or sometimes also, it was a personal bitterness of the president of the parents). Therefore, we wanted to create a kind ofelectroshock by suspending the measurement at the beginning of this month, and let the rector know about our difficulties. ”

A very strong educational policy in Boves

The times were as follows : 8h45-11h45 / 14h45-16h30

TAP (Extra-curricular welcome time) or meal : 11h45-14h45 (2 time 45 minutes)

In the field, hired graduate animators: ten people recruited for a few hours on a fixed-term contract, eleven internship agreements signed with associations, show intermittents (and dances, music, theater…). It's total, 17 animators for 260 children. (A self-employed contractor cost between 25 and 40 € per hour)

« At first the children were happy, but very tired ! »Specifies Daniel Parisot« It must be said that for a reduction in working time, we still came to 24 hours of school time as before, plus 3 hours of APR (Extra-curricular welcome time)! »

Daniel Parisot (mayor of Boves and elsewhere, delegated advisor Amiens Métropole) did not act by chance and without personal reflection : he was him- even seven-year-old teacher, was also part of an educational research group. "We have here, in Boves, a very strong educational policy. We try to listen to the child and put him at the center of this debate.

An example : at the Boves leisure center, children can do a first flight. What better way to understand geography and lots of other notions ? When he passes over their grandmother's house for example, they learned, understood a lot and above all they will remember it.. There is a complementarity between the school and the animation activities. »

According to the interlocutors: a resumption of the device in January 2014? in September 2014? or never?

This measure was therefore “postponed to january 2014“, according to the Academic Director of the National Education Services of the Somme, Yves Delécluse, who puts forward the law .

“Repulsed until at least September 2014“, according to one of the representatives of the parents of the pupils, Aurélien Crombez, « which measures the extent of work that has been diagnosed », date approved by the mayor who finds that starting again in January would be presumptuous. "I want to avoid making the children and parents do the yoyo, and leave time to time, in a very specific area of ​​human matter. »

A next meeting of the monitoring committee is scheduled for 22 November 2013 in Boves. Representatives of the parents of Boves students are still wondering whether they will continue to sit…

To know more about the subject, in Boves : France Blue / France 3 Picardie / Mail Picard

Valérie Doulevant


Janvry town hall

City of Janvry

" School timetables, it's no ! » decided Janvry in Essonne

The rural town of Janvry (Try) decided not to apply the reform of school rates in 2014, through the voice of its mayor Christian Schoettl. That man, little inclined to the tongue of wood, tell whoever wants to hear it : "We consider that this reform of school timetables is “nor done, nor to do !”, without ambition and without courage […] We have an imperative obligation to resist and not to admit everything and anything, under the pretext that it comes from a “authority”. […] Money has no place here, and this unambitious reform only serves the ego of a minister and serves the interests of children. » Blog the Christian Schoettl

Four observations made by the mayor of Janvry

The first is that the child (his well-being, his rhythm) East, to his eyes, the essential issue .

The second, how catastrophic it is to politicize this story " on the backs of children, who are suddenly, taken hostage. »

The third consists in saying that " the mayors have a free administration of their commune, it’s constitutional law ! And we are entitled to wonder if it is indeed legal to impose this device by a simple decree ... Is this really constitutional "Asks the mayor of Janvry, Christian Schoettl.

Finally, his last remark is to say that one of the answers to improve the school rates of the children would consist in attacking the school holidays in the first place. « This reform would be ambitious, if the vacation question was called into question. I worked in the Parisian suburbs, at Ulis, and it was not uncommon to meet idle children with € 2 in their pockets and left to fend for themselves on the street, during the school holidays. The school of the Republic is essential: she is the crucible of our children and of the nation. School injustices are increasing, depending on whether the cities are rich or poor, big or small. »

It’s not a law, but a decree

It must be said that the municipality of Janvry buys all the supplies from its schoolchildren, For years. Car, in the eyes of this elected official, equality values ​​at school are important.

Christian Schoettl revendique « the right to strike of elected officials ! We cannot do an ersatz reform, but we are not far from overthrowing the beast ! And you have to be careful with the words, this reform is not a law, this is a decree ... Teachers are going to strike this year at my school, which is extremely rare ... and they came to ask me if it didn't bother me ! »

A big ego like a semi-trailer truck

Christian Schoettl pursuit : « It seems that I have insurrectionary remarks… Like others, in other times, who preferred the Resistance to Vichy ; or others, who were running on the roofs with their antennas to defend free radios. » […] « I am dismayed to see these elected officials, honeyed, play good students, serve soup; those politically correct people who care more about their careers than the future… If Vincent Peillon, with his ego as big as a semi-trailer truck, in lack of recognition, hastily issues a decree, it is beyond democratic control ... "

Media celebrity

Surprised by his media celebrity, Christian Schoettl continues in his logic, proud of his civil disobedience. But the rebels, Zorro and other Robin Hood, didn't they always bother, especially when they seemed to be right against the so called powerful of this world ?

And a whole city council voted on Monday 7 October 2013 in the evening, unanimously, a deliberation entitled : School timetables : it's no ! (see The Parisian Thursday 10 October 2013)

« And I'm still waiting for the CRS for my civil disobedience ! »Ajoute Christian Schoettl, resistant school.

Valérie Doulevant


City of Munster in Alsace

City of Munster in Alsace

School timetables: embarrassment and questions on the part of Pierre Dischinger

Since 25 years, Munster, his children and their parents live at the school rate decided there is 24 years. Up to now, the three schools in Munster benefited from a special system for organizing lessons over seven half-days, this commune being the only one in the region to have adopted this principle (which requires an annual exemption).

The local educational contract (THE) implemented now and for a quarter of a century, happy everyone. « The courses are organized so as to free up two full half-days, during which children can choose not to attend school, or to invest in peri-educational activities […] overseen by an association, Nursery. »Can we read in the magazine point.

The Gallic village that resists

Pierre Dischinger, mayor of munster, explain that "Parents of students and teachers worked together, to find out to what extent we could adapt our schedules to Vincent Peillon's decree. »

The feedback of their conclusions was made through the School Council on 7 November 2013. "We act as a Gallic village : everyone agrees to keep our system ! Why change ?” wonders the mayor of Munster, “In the framework of the Local Educational Contract, we had hired 15 specialized animators to organize 6 afternoon workshops, And this, offered to 120 families (for 270 Kindergarten to CM2 students) .

Parents and teachers agree not to change this organization to 95%, except for one detail 5% remaining: the lengthening of the meridian break.»

Sell ​​reform better

here, It is said ! One more town which, in the facts, does not fit into this new organization at all , directed and wanted by the current Minister of National Education, Mr. Vincent Peillon.

The latter is also taken to task by the chronobiologist Claire Leconte, whose studies and research were used to set up the current munster school system. « Far from thinking only of a reorganization of school rhythms, it is obviously a societal project, only way to save the public service of national education. »

Claire Leconte's website lists proposals for such a project. In his blog, she adds " Si M. Peillon, M. Rufo, M. Text [ experts who advised the Minister] knew primary school as well as they claimed, they would know the heavy task of having to accompany throughout the year, every day and every week, a whole class group, taking into account the inter-individual differences still strongly marked at these ages. »

City-wide efforts, ruins?

And to cite the example of Munster : « En faced with these experts who are trying to best sell the ministry reform, we have a mayor who is fighting to keep in his city an organization that has proven itself since 24 years ! Organization that has passed through all successive governments since its establishment, and who may not resist the one who said he wanted to "rebuild the school" ! Should we laugh or cry ? »

Children, these guinea pigs

This year, everyone is devastated : the parents, teachers and the municipality of Munster… on behalf of the children, of we children.

And Claire Leconte, renowned chronobiologist, to conclude on the subject: “But it would be good if it [the Ministry of EN] really think about the kids, because for now, many of them serve as guinea pigs. The inspectors, who apply and impose without any state of soul, an organization that is not proving itself, will have on their conscience the harms that it will produce, we can fear it.

Valérie Doulevant