COVID-19: Make way for young ideas

Enjoy the moment #COVID-19 to take your place, propose your ideas and set up your business

Make way for new ideas during this COVID-19 period
Build and undertake thanks to the new horizons opened by the COVID19 period
Photo: Valérie Doulevant

Even if you are a bit formatted, young and old, It's your turn! You have nothing to lose: embark on your projects, even the craziest. This terrible period also opens a horizon, a future, because there is room to take. The biggest, the most rich, profiteers, can no longer produce as much and YOU have ideas. So, go for it… We will follow you.

Everything to gain, nothing to lose, new entrepreneurs have an opportunity

Indeed, the observation is simple: the ground is almost empty today because of this damn Coronavirus / COVID19, there are not many players anymore… The scene is reaching out to you, the actors need you to allow them to breathe. They will soon understand that it is up to you to lead the dance… But beware: with them, not against them. Ensemble. And you will bring freshness, spontaneity and renewal. Long live new ideas, long live originality, long live the innovative spirit, with respect for nature.

New values ​​are returning and emerging thanks to COVID19

Government in full reflection on April 1, 2020 TV reproduction © Image BFM TV
Government in full reflection on April 1 2020
Reproduction TV ­­© ImageBFM TV

Gradually, people rediscover new values, the ones they already knew, but that they seemed to have forgotten. Values, qualities with which each of us was born and which belong to Humanity. Everyone has felt love at least once, compassion, empathy, of friendship… Before, during and after COVID19. And fortunately! But these feelings have waned, as the time value and personal energy decrease.

Excess is a factor in loss of meaning

Work, the different addictions, the stress, the fear, l & rsquo; envy… are concepts that, to excess, blind us. Always more; always faster; always better. Excess can lose us and suffocate us. But we are not in a world of OJ (Oppressing Games), but in a world where it's time to take into account your desires (without excess), its needs. Take action to put the odds in your favor, on our side, is to conquer the World. It's finding your place, without taking that of the other.

Clean air that new businesses should keep
A new day, a new world… (British Columbia, Canada – avril 2020)
Photo: Philippe Cousin

Young and old, together, in the same spirit

You, young people, you must take this chance that this period offers you. Free field, but with respect for all. You owe it to the older ones, to those who reach an advanced age and who wish to leave room. More energetic, more fighting in the fight, you have the tools and the keys (not weapons) to move us forward, all together. Our Elders don't give up: they leave that playground for us to take over, helping you. Let's do them honor, let us think of those who gave us Life and show them that we have deserved their Love, their selflessness, without taking on the role they expect from us. You have to choose your destiny, because everything is not written…

Entrepreneurship with new ideas
Go young ideas!
Photo: Fanette